Alex MartsinovichSoftware Engineer |
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What Does NimbleOwnership Do Anyway?
If you've worked with Elixir for a while, you know that there are two kinds of tests: the good ones and the ones that need to be justified. The former being, of course, asynchronous tests – fast and joyful, and the latter being synchronous tests, the ones that get a side eye in code reviews.
Anyone who tries to write asynchronous tests sooner or later learns about the concept of ownership. This concept exists in Ecto, Mox, Req, and other libraries. In fact, it became so common that ownership management was extracted into a separate library called NimbleOwnership.
In this post, we'll see how the idea of ownership may come up naturally and what part of it can be handled by NimbleOwnership.
Hell Is Other Tests
When we say "ownership" we mean "resource ownership". You see, asynchronous tests exist in a highly concurrent environment, where anything can happen. Other tests might write to the same database (Ecto) or call the same mocks (Mox, Req) as your target test. When this happens, it may really mess up your test expectations.
To demonstrate this, let's look at another type of global resource: handlers - specifically logger handlers. Let's say we have a logger handler that simply counts the number of logs with an Agent process:
defmodule OtherTests do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
for i <- 1..10 do
test "test #{i}" do
Process.sleep(100)"Other tests")
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
@behaviour :logger_handler
@impl :logger_handler
def log(_event, %{config: agent}) do
Agent.update(agent, fn counter -> counter + 1 end)
test "test log" do
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end)
:logger.add_handler(:handler_id, __MODULE__, %{config: agent})
assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
With the power of Process.sleep/1
, we can carefully craft this concurrency
train wreck. The test in the MyTest
module attaches a logger handler that is
called whenever we log something. It then logs a single message and asserts that
the counter was, in fact, incremented. Unfortunately, there are other
asynchronous tests that aren't shy about logging messages themselves, and those
messages also call the same logger handler, which interferes with our test:
1) test test log (MyTest)
Assertion with == failed
code: assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
left: 2
right: 1
ex_unit.exs:29: (test)
We can't let this happen, can we?
Can I See Your PID?
Ok, all we need to do is not let other tests call our logger handler. Luckily for us, handlers are executed in the same process, so we can just add the test PID to the handler config and check it:
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
@behaviour :logger_handler
@impl :logger_handler
def log(event, %{config: {agent, test_pid}}) do
with true <- test_pid == self() do
Agent.update(agent, fn counter -> counter + 1 end)
test "test log" do
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end)
:logger.add_handler(:handler_id, __MODULE__, %{
config: {agent, self()}
assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
Problem solved! No, seriously, problem solved. OK, OK, I hear what you're saying - in real life, logger handler code is in your application and adding a PID check to it is silly. That's fair. But we can always create a wrapper!
defmodule MyApp.LogHandler do
@behaviour :logger_handler
@impl :logger_handler
def log(_event, %{config: agent}) do
Agent.update(agent, fn counter -> counter + 1 end)
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
@behaviour :logger_handler
@impl :logger_handler
def log(event, %{config: {{real_handler, og_cfg}, test_pid}} = cfg) do
with true <- test_pid == self() do
real_handler.log(event, Map.put(cfg, :config, og_cfg))
test "test log" do
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end)
:logger.add_handler(:handler_id, __MODULE__, %{
config: {{MyApp.LogHandler, agent}, self()}
assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
or even better, a logger filter:
defmodule MyApp.LogHandler do
@behaviour :logger_handler
@impl :logger_handler
def log(_event, %{config: agent}) do
Agent.update(agent, fn counter -> counter + 1 end)
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
test "test log" do
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end)
:logger.add_handler(:handler_id, MyApp.LogHandler, %{
config: agent,
filters: [
ownership_filter: {
fn event, test_pid ->
if test_pid == self(), do: event, else: :stop
assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
It works, but at this point you probably see the limitation. Not all processes are our enemies. Some of them are alright, in fact. Really chill processes. But our solution is relentless:
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
test "test log" do
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end)
test_pid = self()
:logger.add_handler(:handler_id, MyApp.LogHandler, %{
config: agent,
filters: [
ownership_filter: {
fn event, test_pid ->
if test_pid == self(), do: event, else: :stop
task = Task.async(fn ->"Foo") end)
assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
1) test test log (MyTest)
Assertion with == failed
code: assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
left: 0
right: 1
ex_unit_spawn.exs:53: (test)
╭─────────────────────╮ │ Don't talk to me or │ │ my son ever again │ ╰─────────────────────╯ │ ╭────────────────╮ ╰─ │ │ │ Logger Filter │╭────────────────╮ │ ││ Logger Handler │ ╰────────────────╯╰────────────────╯
Sharing Is Caring
How do we allow other processes to access our beloved resources? Let's think about it – we first create a filter that knows to only proceed if it is called in a process with a specific pre-defined PID. So, if we want to allow another PID, we need to expand this from a single PID to a list of allowed PIDs. The problem is that spawned processes' PIDs aren't known at the time when we define the filter. Well, in that case, we can tell the filter to check not the PID itself, but some sort of secret. A token of process friendship that we'll put into any spawned process's dictionary.
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
test "test log" do
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end)
test_pid = self()
:logger.add_handler(:handler_id, MyApp.LogHandler, %{
config: agent,
filters: [
ownership_filter: {
fn event, _config ->
if Process.get(:friendship_token), do: event, else: :stop
task =
Task.async(fn ->
Process.put(:friendship_token, true)"Foo")
assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
See, it works! All we need to do is hand out this token to all processes that are relevant to the test and make sure the filter knows where to look for it.
Do You Know Who My Dad Is?
Not going to lie, this does sound like a chore. But have no fear, as Elixir has
us covered! There is a convention that processes that are part of other
processes' hierarchy in a meaningful way keep track of their ancestor PIDs in
their dictionary. This list can be found under a magical key $callers
. This is
called caller
and a lot of modules do this automatically. For example, the Task
module or
ExUnit helper. We can use this to our advantage: instead of having a custom
token, we'll ask our filter to look for the test PID in the $callers
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
test "test log" do
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end)
test_pid = self()
:logger.add_handler(:handler_id, MyApp.LogHandler, %{
config: agent,
filters: [
ownership_filter: {
fn event, test_pid ->
callers = Process.get(:"$callers") || []
if test_pid in [self() | callers], do: event, else: :stop
task = Task.async(fn ->"Foo") end)
assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
Since we know that Task.async/1
will add the test PID to the spawned process
callers list, we can look for it in the filter. $callers
is basically a
name-dropping list. If you want to be at the party, you've got to tell them that
you know people.
Facebook For Processes
So what does NimbleOwnership do anyway? Oh, it's just a Facebook for processes! It keeps track of friends lists in a large book. Here's a quick primer on what NimbleOwnership lets us do:
- We can start a server, which is like a big book.
- Processes can register arbitrary keys that symbolize resources. They are like different lists in the book, with every list being tied to a process that registered it.
- Owner processes can allow other processes to access those keys. It's like adding a name to a list of invited guests. But don't be fooled, "allowance" here is just a name on the list. The server does not enforce this access in any way. It is a bookkeeper, not a bouncer.
- Anyone can check if a process is on any list for a resource. This part is important and a little counterintuitive; we'll take a closer look at it after an example.
So, let's use NimbleOwnership for our test:
{:nimble_ownership, "~> 1.0"}
{:ok, _} = NimbleOwnership.start_link(name: OwnershipServer)
defmodule OtherTests do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
for i <- 1..10 do
test "test #{i}" do
Process.sleep(100)"Other tests")
defmodule MyApp.LogHandler do
@behaviour :logger_handler
@impl :logger_handler
def log(_event, %{config: agent}) do
Agent.update(agent, fn counter -> counter + 1 end)
defmodule MyTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
require Logger
test "test log" do
{:ok, agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end)
OwnershipServer, self(), :handler_id, fn nil ->
{nil, %{}}
:logger.add_handler(:handler_id, MyApp.LogHandler, %{
config: agent,
filters: [
ownership_filter: {
fn event, handler_id ->
callers = Process.get(:"$callers") || []
|> NimbleOwnership.fetch_owner([self() | callers], handler_id)
|> case do
{:ok, _owner_id} -> event
_ -> :stop
task = Task.async(fn ->"Foo") end)
assert Agent.get(agent, fn counter -> counter end) == 1
There aren't many changes. Let's break them down.
First, at the very beginning, we start the OwnershipServer
process - just a big book.
Then, at the beginning of the test, before we do anything of interest, we create
a key :handler_id
in the server. This key is the resource we're talking about.
A list in the book with just one name on it – the test PID, which created the
Our logger filter is both the bouncer and a partygoer. It finds itself inside a
task and all it knows is that it wants to knock on the door with a :handler_id
label on it, but only if it is invited. So it goes to the OwnershipServer
(everybody knows OwnershipServer
, a nice chap and very popular) and
asks a question you won't normally hear at a party: "Hey, has anyone allowed
me in? I know $callers
by the way." And the answer is "Yes," because, even
though our test did not allow the task explicitly, it allowed itself. Or rather,
it owns the place. So yeah, if you can name-drop the owner of the house, go
Note that, in the general case, processes can create lists for the same key. So, when we ask the server if anyone allowed us in, we don't really care who allowed us. All we care about is that somebody, somewhere is expecting us. 🥰🥰🥰
For this reason, keys are often unique to the test, and that's what we rely on
in our example. If some other test creates a :handler_id
resource, our filter
will allow it too. In some cases, this is useful, but for our handler example,
we wouldn't want that to happen.
Most of the time, you won't have to deal with low-level ownership machinery. But understanding what caller tracking is and how it propagates is vital to writing asynchronous tests. That said, if you ever find yourself testing handlers or other global resources, remember that it's very doable to limit access to them even in a highly concurrent environment. You'll just need a good bouncer.